The Improvazilla Impro Dojo
Improv for everyone, from beginners to experienced actors, in English, Japanese and Spanish!
New to improv? Start with our Wednesday Night Short Form Workshop!
Got some improv experience? Come to our Tuesday Night Long Form Workshop!
Want to study Scriptless Genre Plays? Come to our Saturday Night Genre Play Workshop!
Click Here to Find out more and sign up in our Meetups
Impro Dojo’s for all Levels! Our Short Form Dojo’s program covers everything you need to know about improv and you can join us at any time. Our Long Form program cycles throug various genres and styles of shows. We’ve been teaching improv in English and Japanese in Tokyo since 1994 for all levels, from beginners to experienced performers. Students usually head over to Hoff, a restaurant across the street, for a drink or a bite afterwards. Click here to find out more and sign up in our Meetup!
January and February 2025 We’re doing Film Noir on Saturday Nights, ending in a costumed student showcase at our black box theater, Studio Gokko, near Yoyogi-koen Station.
Just one of the many genres we’ll be doing in the Long Form Dojo - from Jane Austen and Tennessee Williams, to Black Mirror and Twilight Zone!
The Genre Long Form workshops will teach techniques Improvazilla Director Chris Wells studied at Impro Theatre Los Angeles, and will finish with a student showcase at our black box theatre, Studio Gokko. Sign up through our Meetup!

What’ll improv do for me?
Improv will release your innate creativity, make you a better listener and conversational partner, identify your subconscious fears and negativity, and grant you the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound! (All but one of those are true.) You can also chill with classmates at nearby restaurants afterwards, and make friends from all over the world. It’s a great way to make new friends and learn new skills at the same time.
What should you expect?
Short Form Dojo: We’ll ease you into improv in a fun and natural way. Every Wednesday night in the Short Form Improv Dojo, Beginners and Intermediate Improvisors are shown the basics of agreement, story-telling, character work, how funny the truth can be and how to create and have fun like a kid again. You’ll do exercises in pairs and small groups in the first hour and then volunteers get up and practice scenes and games in front of the class with side coaching from the instructor during performance time. And when you’re ready, we have our relaxed Student Showcase at Our Space, our black box studio! Find out more and sign up in our Meetup!
Hey, I’m an advanced improvisor or an experienced actor!
Long Form Dojo: If you have experience as a trained actor or improvisor, our Tuesday night Long Form Workshop focuses on classic long form improv, from the Harold to the Armando, and our Saturday night Unscripted Play Workshop take deep dives into improvised genre plays. We use formats that enable actors to utilize both their wit and their acting skills, and they can then participate in student showcases at Studio Gokko, our black box studio.
¡Quiero hacer impro en español!
(Nota: En 2025 realizaremos talleres periódicos de español. ¡Inscríbete en nuestro encuentro y estate atento!)
¡Esta bien! Chris Wells, director del programa de Improvisación del Tokyo Comedy Store, estará impartiendo clases en español. Esas clases ahora no son regulares, pero habra de vez en cuando. No es necesario tener experiencia, ni un perfecto dominio del idioma español, si puedes comunicarte y tienes ganas de vivir esta nueva experiencia, es suficiente. Ven y aprenderás a contar historias, a salir a escena sin guión y cómo montar espectáculos de Improvisación y todo como jugando.
Social Media
Workshop Facebook Student Group