Improvazilla Corporate Private Performances and Workshops

Whether it's a workshop to help organizations make their working environment a little more fun, or a performance to liven up an event, the Improvazilla ensemble has been providing comedy and humor-themed services for companies, organizations, schools, and charitable organizations for over two decades.

We've provided entertainment and workshops for Daimler-Chrysler Fuso Motors, Nike Japan , Coca Cola East Japan, McKinsey Japan, The UK Embassy, The Tokyo American Club, The Foreign Correspondents Club , Foreign Executive Women, Keio High School, and more.

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Special Events

We’re often asked to perform at corporate and educational events. We tailor our performance to both your occasion and your audience. We can provide our Musical Premiere, a musical invented on the spot based on your specifications, interactive improv games in the style of Who’s Line is it Anyway, or something special for the occasion. With musical accompaniment by our talented pianists, it will be an event your staff will be talking about afterwards.

Corporate Workshops and Training Sessions

We've been brought in to coach staff on dynamic presentation skills, help companies get to know each other after a merger, role-play with executives to help them learn interviewing skills, and increase communication skills and a "Yes, and!" attitude among staff. Our experienced trainers can work with your HR department to custom design a workshop program to meet your needs, whether it’s for eight people or eighty. Workshops are provided through our Japanese company, In The Moment, Ltd.

Mentor session for pitch presenters for Pioneers Asia Tech Conference

Mentor session for pitch presenters for Pioneers Asia Tech Conference

As improvisers, performers, and public speakers, we have certain skill sets that we can teach to help your company work a little better. Specifically, when it comes to corporate training, we have three main areas where we have the expertise to help your company be more productive. Teamwork, creativity, and presentation.

Teamwork Workshops

As improvisers making up entertaining stories for an audience on the spot, the core of our success comes from teamwork. We train constantly on how to offer ideas, how to accept them and build on them, and how to create the best results from everyone's contributions. Sound familiar? Is there any company not striving to find more synergy between their team members?

Creativity Workshops

Whether standup or improv comedy, we only have one product to sell, which is our ideas. Improvisors get on stage with nothing but creativity on offer, and those ideas have to be captivating, entertaining, and most difficult of all, funny. We are constantly striving to create the best ideas, and the best methods to make those ideas a reality. We can show you how to release your best ideas too.

Presentation Workshops

And of course, it almost goes without saying that as improvisors, our presentation skills have to be top notch. It doesn't matter how funny your ideas are if you can't convey them to an audience effectively. Improvisors learn the fundamentals of storytelling in order to capture their audience, and if you can make an audience laugh, then almost any presentation seems easy by comparison. Let us help you get your ideas across and make them stick.

What we don't do is tell you how to run your business or project, that's your expertise. But we can help you get to where your going a little smoother, a little more creatively, and maybe even a little more fun.

For inquiries, please use the form below:

Workshop for Yamaha Corp for 70 teachers on retreat, focusing on communication and cooperative learning.

Workshop for Yamaha Corp for 80 teachers on retreat, focusing on communication and cooperative learning.