Active Show-Review Worksheet
Note: I recommend that you don’t watch yourself improvise until after you’ve done several shows! To do so when you’re just beginning will just make you more self-conscious. But there does come at time when you have to watch yourself. There are things you can only learn on video, like how antsy you are between scenes, or how that vacant look on your face make the audience think you’re spacing out! Or, maybe what you thought was an hour of silence was actually only three seconds, and you could have stretched the dramatic or comedic tension far longer in that scene than you did.
When you do decide to watch yourself perform, do it actively. I want you to ask yourself the following questions and actually write down your answers.
Please keep in mind that at different times during the show every single one of the behaviors below is both natural and to be expected.
Nobody ever has a perfect show, and you shouldn't be trying for perfection – you should only be trying to have fun with your fellow performers and inspire yourself.
Also notice that this is very self-oriented – there is a danger in groups where we begin to judge other people more than we are looking at our own performances. As director, it's my job to keep an eye on everyone's performances. As a player, your only job is to keep an eye on your own performance, and become the best player that you can be.
Treat yourselves kindly when you watch yourself on video, and don't judge yourself or others to harshly!
Chris Wells
TCS School of Improv Director
Active Show-Review Worksheet
Second Circle Review: What Circle was I in throughout the show? First, Second, or Third Circle?
Scenes I participated in:
Scenes I started:
Scenes in which I played a character like myself:
Scenes in which I played a character as me, but with a different personality, perspective on life, and behavior:
Scenes in which I played a different character:
Scenes in which I changed my voice:
Scenes in which I changed my physicality:
Scenes in which I changed my costume:
Scenes in which I was:
A positive character:
A negative character:
A high-status character:
A low-status character:
Scenes in which I really listened:
Scenes when I missed things my partners said:
Scenes when I drove the plot:
Scenes where I went along for the ride:
How do I look in between the scenes?
Are there any problems with lighting or sound?
Did we treat our guests well? Thank them by name?